Unless otherwise noted, these assignments should be done in your sketchbook.
If you miss class, it is your responsibility to get any missed assignments, homework or classwork.
1/30: (HW) Make marks with 10 different items.
1/31: (In class) Using 3 different drawing media, make 25 different marks with each. (HW) Make 10 different marks with a non-traditional drawing material.
2/3: (HW) Picasso or Matisse: Look up either artist online or in an art textbook. Look at drawings and prints. Draw one that you like. Write answers to these questions: What do you like about it? What questions do you have?
2/7: (In class) Draw Picasso's "Igor Stravinsky" upside down. Write 3 things that were difficult and how you approached the drawing: right to left? top to bottom?
(HW) Draw 5 objects using continuous contour lines (do not pick up your pencil!)
2/8: Draw 5 more objects using Continuous Contour lines. Finish for homework if not completed in class.
2/9: (In class) Draw 3 hands using Continuous Contour lines. Begin Overlapping Contour Project.
REMEMBER: 2 independent sketchbook entries each week. Look at the Sketchbook Prompts List, draw from life, or draw something based on a link posted on this blog. Date and label each entry.
SKETCHBOOK CHECK #1: Next Friday, you should have 4 entries other than homework or classwork exercises.
-Must include at least 5 objects; may include hands.
-Use continuous contour lines to draw your objects - don't pick up your pencil!
-Lines must touch all four sides of the paper.
-Draw objects life-sized, or very close.
-Objects must overlap.
Once your 5 objects are drawn, then do these steps:
-Retrace some lines to emphasize 2-3 areas.
-Choose 3-4 lines and make them even thicker.
-Choose 1 object and add more detail, using only lines (no shading!)
-Choose 3-4 areas of negative space and fill them with rhythmic lines.
2/21: (In class) The first Experimental Day (will usually be Mondays) - watch a demo on tissue paper collage. Practice in your sketchbook.
2/22-24: (In class) Sketch your hands forming letters in American Sign Language. Next project: spell your name, or another word that is important to you, in ASL.
2/27: (In class w/sub) Experimental Monday: Use crayon or pastel for today's entry. Finish during class and turn in tomorrow for 10 points.
2/28: (In class): Continue work on ASL hands. Rubrics for Overlapping Contour Drawing handed back. (I would like to keep the drawings until next week, for a meeting, so grades were handed back today and drawings will be handed back next week.)
3/5: (In class): Experimental Monday: Use charcoal, conte, or white charcoal pencil in today's entry. (If you still need to work on your hands, you are free to do that today.)
3/7: ASL Hands Drawing due at end of class today
3/8: Single ASL Hands Drawing on colored paper. Each person will be assigned a letter to draw using pencil, white charcoal pencil, and pastel (if desired.) All drawings together will spell out a message on the bulletin board for Earth Day!
3/9: SKETCHBOOK CHECK: 6 entries due today (Make sure all are clearly labeled: date, title, and SB# or Activity Name)
3/12 - 3/16: (In class): Finish single ASL hands for Earth Day display. 25 points for completion.
Make scratchboard and complete drawing on it.
3/16: HOMEWORK for Weekend: Value Drawing Exercises. Complete all exercises on Value worksheet (shown below). You may draw on the worksheet or in your sketchbook. I will check these on Monday. Up to 20 points for completion.
3/19-20: In class - Finish Scratchboard project
3/21-23: In class - Drawing from still life (does not count towards Sketchbook entries)
HW: Draw 6 more shaded shapes
3/26: Experimental Monday - Splatter paint with watercolor, then find and expand upon and image in the splatters. (Can count as an independent sketchbook entry.)
3/28: In class - Drawing from still life with a viewfinder.
4/10: In class: Infographic PowerPoint. Begin Personal Timeline project. Visually answer the questions: Where are you from? Where are you now? Where are you gonig?
4/23: Experimental Monday: Drawing landscapes outside! Include in your drawing: Horizon, foreground, middle ground. background, 1 manmade structure. 15points
4/24: In class: Drawing Vocabulary worksheets handed out.
HW: Create a landscape from your imagination that shows you understand the vocabulary words from class: foreground, middle ground, background, diminishing size and detail, overlapping, atmospheric perspective.
4/25: In class: One-Point Linear Perspective demonstration.
HW: 2 Drawings Due Friday: Draw landscapes and/or buildings from observation using the perspective tools learned yesterday and today.
4/26: In class: Two-Point Linear Perspective demo.
HW: 2 Pictures Due Monday: Bring 2 reference photos (photos, print outs from internet, magazines) for your next project. One should be a landscape "background" and one a man-made structure. If you can find both in one image, just bring it. Otherwise, you will combine the 2 images in your next drawing.